Welcome to Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School , an inclusive, outstanding school in Taverham.
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Ghost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Welcome toGhost Hill Infant & Nursery School

EYFS Curriculum

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS Computing and Online Safety

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-UTW

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-PSED

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-Physical Development

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-Mathematics.

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-Literacy

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-Expressive Arts and Design

Curriculum Progression Map for EYFS-Communication and Language.




In the EYFS at Ghost Hill we know we have children who are polite, kind, caring and ready to learn. We believe the EYFS is important as it gives children good foundations for, and a love of learning. We recognise a need for Ghost Hill children to become more independent, confident in themselves and to be respectful of others.

We believe our children have a right to a carefully planned curriculum, a wide range of experiences, quality resources and provision. They have a right to learn in an environment which ensures they are safe and happy, nurtured, treated as equals and where they can flourish socially and academically. Our provision is guided by the whole school values of ‘Try hard, be brave, be you.’

We have devised a curriculum based on Development Matters which maps out key knowledge and skills we want our children to learn as well as ensuring we consider the whole, unique child. Our curriculum has a progression of knowledge from Nursery to Reception and ultimately to Year 1. We want our children to be high academic attainers and be confident, respectful and independent individuals.




Our curriculum progression is used to plan our EYFS offer and is based on Development Matters and the statutory Early Learning Goals. We have set up purposeful, stimulating learning environments which are zoned for different areas of the curriculum. Within these areas activities are carefully planned with the learning intention and follow the enabling environments guidelines. We provide consistent continuous provision outside which is different to inside and enhanced regularly. We consider the Characteristics of Effective Learning when planning the environment and intended learning. We provide and encourage the use of intelligent resources which encourage imagination and exploration. These can be transported and used for many different purposes continuously.

We have a balance of child-initiated learning, enhanced provision and adult-led tasks. There are daily direct teaching sessions for reading, maths, phonics and literacy/topic and regular circle times for PSED. We use the schemes of Little Wandle, The Write Stuff, White Rose and Jigsaw. All of these are used at an appropriate level for Nursery and Reception. Foundation subject knowledge and skills are incorporated across the year through cross curricular learning opportunities within our themes which closely link to common children’s interests.

Communication and language skills are at the heart of all we do. We believe this is vitally important in the EYFS and will affect all future learning. Teaching happens in every moment of the day through adult-led sessions and adult interactions with children. Learning is deepened and children challenged with careful questioning and comments. Thinking is extended and children are encouraged to problem-solve.




In Reception children are baselined at the start of the year and in Nursery we talk to the children and observe them closely. The knowledge gained is used to help us plan and supplement the curriculum based on the children’s needs and interests.

Formative assessment takes place continuously through daily interactions and observations of the children and point in time assessments are made regularly. We use this information to support and extend children’s learning.

We capture learning and pupil voice in our floor books and on Tapestry which helps to plan for next steps and interventions.

Summative assessments are made in Reception for maths, phonics and writing each half-term in order to plan future learning and any necessary keep up support and interventions.

All of this ensures progress for our children and paves the way for future learning in Key Stage One.

By the end of the EYFS we observe children who communicate and listen well, are independent and prepared for future challenges. They demonstrate progress in the understanding of concepts, ideas, skills, knowledge and vocabulary. The children take risks and correct mistakes, and they think creatively and imaginatively. They problem-solve and investigate, are respectful of others and follow school rules.

