At Ghost Hill we believe that 'every second counts.' This is true both in and out of school. After all - you are only 5 years old once!
In October 2022 - we introduced three values to work to in our school:
We also have three Behaviour Rules:
At Ghost Hill we have developed a curriculum intent that is pertinent and ambitious for our children. Staff carefully develop a responsive curriculum that meets children's interests and needs. Our curriculum is carefully mapped with the Early Years Foundation Stage providing the 'building blocks of knowledge' in preparation for children to begin The National Curriculum from Key Stage One. Our planning of provision, is unique from year to year, group to group and individual to individual. We glean information from the experts (your children and you the parents), observe the children in their play and lessons, identify their fascinations, strengths and areas for development then plan experiences and opportunities that will excite, interest and challenge them. We have high expectations of all learners and design the implementation of the curriculum to prepare them for their next stage in education at Junior School.
Ghost Hill is committed to providing all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, alongside developing their Personal Development through our wider offer. We believe that the curriculum is not just enacted in the classroom and is a much broader experience; including trips, visits, extra-curricular opportunities and work in our local community.
At Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School we believe that every moment of a child’s time in school should be filled with rich experiences and memorable moments. We plan for our curriculum to go beyond just academic success, and offer a curriculum that gives all children at Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School new experiences that help to enrich their learning, deepen their understanding of the world and develop enquiring minds and skills for life.
We want our children to be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We encourage and support each child to achieve their very best through creating an atmosphere of trust, openness and respect which encourages an enthusiasm for learning and critical thinking. Through a curriculum based upon the characteristics of effective learning, we encourage children to explore, take risks, investigate, be creative, and discover the world around them. They are supported to respond to challenge within a learning environment that is secure, enjoyable, and sensitive to individual needs and where mistakes are embraced as part of a learning cycle. We give our children time for independent thought and action as well as time to work together.
At Ghost Hill our curriculum meets the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the National Curriculum and has been mapped carefully by curriculum leaders to ensure this is well sequenced and progressive - shown through each subjects own progression map.
In Early Years, the building blocks of knowledge are used to create the foundations for the National Curriculum expectations at Key Stage One. These link closely to both the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and Development Matters (This guidance sets out the pathways of children’s development in broad ages and stages).
In Key Stage One we offer a broad and balanced curriculum with both core and foundation subjects having a weekly focus. We teach Foundation Subjects through a carefully planned curriculum which uses Topics as a vehicle for their delivery. This helps to immerse and excite children in their learning and thus make learning more relevant and 'real’ for them. Subjects taught through topic include Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology and Music. If the children’s learning can be further enhanced, cross curricular links are made to core subjects such as English, Maths and Science. The learning experiences we provide for the children are a balance of hands on practical activities and recorded work in the form of drawings, photographs, pupil voice or written text.
We work closely with our feeder Junior school and build our curriculum to support transition and to ensure there is no repetition; only preparation for the next stage in the children's learning. We liaise with subject co-ordinators and curriculum leads through moderation opportunities and regular communication to ensure the knowledge and skills we are teaching our children are enabling them to be Key Stage 2 ready.
The Characteristics of Effective Learning are used across Early Years. They are:
Finding out and exploring, using what they know, being willing to have a go.
Being involved and concentrating, keeping on trying, enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Have their own ideas, use what they already know to learn new things, choose ways to do things and find new solutions
For further information regarding the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, please click on this link:
For further information regarding Develop Matters, please click on this link:
To find out about the requirements of the current National Curriculum, please click on this link:
' 20 things to do before leaving Ghost Hill....'
For further information on Ghost Hill's Infant and Nursery School's curriculum offer, please contact our school office on: