Welcome to Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School , an inclusive, outstanding school in Taverham.
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Ghost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Welcome toGhost Hill Infant & Nursery School

The Friends

Friends Of Ghost Hill


Friends of Ghost Hill (FOGH) is a charity made up of parents who organise events and activities to raise funds which benefit all children at the school. We’re all volunteers, so every penny we raise provides much needed funding for the school


This year, the Friends have provided the funding for all of our enrichment that benefits all children. This has included music workshops, history experience days, pantomime, Maths workshops and Art days. Friends have also subsidised the cost of school trips this Summer, for all children.  


Each year we organise a wide variety of fund raising events:


  • We hold discos in Taverham Village Hall at Halloween and Valentine’s which are packed full of fun and games
  • We hold a Christmas Bazaar in the school hall, complete with a grotto where children can visit Father Christmas and receive a gift.
  • At Easter we organise themed colouring competitions and treasure hunts around the school grounds.
  • Every June/July we hold our annual Summer Fete - this takes place on the school playing fields and we have lots of stalls including tombolas, tuck shop, face painting, hook-a-duck and lots of other games. There’s an amazing raffle with prizes donated from lots of generous local businesses. It’s a lovely family and event and is hugely supported by the local community.


…and we run even more fundraisers including: bingo evenings, our own lottery, we collect unwanted clothing through ‘Bags2School’, we sell Spree Books, the children make their own Christmas cards and end of year personalised gifts, and we collect supermarket vouchers.


As you can see from the list above we’re a busy committee and we’re always looking for new members to join us!


Being part of the Friends can be as big or as small a role as you want it to be. There are lots of small, but essential jobs such as counting supermarket vouchers, manning stalls, making cakes, through to something larger such as taking an officer role on the committee.


If you’re interested in joining the Friends, please contact us by email at, through your class rep, or through the school office. Hope to see you soon!




Sponsored Wheely Event


The Friends organised an obstacle course on the main school playground for the children to take part in on their bikes and scooters.

It was a fun event! As well as a fun event, the children were also raising money for the school.





Halloween Fundraiser


Children across the school had a non school uniform day with a halloween theme. We were raising money towards resources for the school and celebrating a really positive first half term. The children also entered a carve your own pumpkin competition. Look how creative the children were! Well done to our 7 winners, one child from every class across the school. devil




