Welcome to Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School , an inclusive, outstanding school in Taverham.
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Ghost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Welcome toGhost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Music - Becoming Musicians

Music - 'Becoming Musicians'



“Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.” – Stevie Wonder


At Ghost Hill we refer to music as 'becoming musicians'. This supports children to understand they are following a music curriculum, developing the knowledge and skills to be musicians both now and in the future. We encourage children to become immersed in musical opportunities, representing 'music is a world within itself'. Our intent is that 'music is a world within itself, with a language we can all understand." This supports all  musical abilities at all levels and celebrates musical talent at all levels so all children can develop the knowledge and skills to be musicians. 


Music is an integral part of Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School and is used across the curriculum. We want our children to be inspired and engaged by the songs, lyrics and associated movement that they experience throughout their time in the school, both as part of their daily learning or the more specialised performance opportunities. We want the children to feel reflective and expressive, developing their own appreciation of music with the opportunities we provide as a school.

Music at Ghost Hill is delivered via a scheme called Charanga. The rationale for this scheme is centered upon its support of specialised music teaching. The music offer at Ghost Hill supports an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning. The Charanga curriculum integrates spaced learning opportunities using a spiral based curriculum approach. This supports a more secure, deeper learning for children and opportunities for mastery of musical knowledge and skills. Charanga also focuses on listening and appraising, musical activities and performing - integrating the the requirements of the National Curriculum in full. Charanga also ensures that the interrelated dimensions of music are at the centre of children's learning in music and are consistently revisited to deepen pupil's understanding of this specialist musical knowledge through application to music in different contexts. 




Music at Ghost Hill

Opportunities to listen to and learn tuned instruments



Recorder Club


We have a visiting professional who teaches ocarina and recorder to a group of Year 1 and 2 children after school on a Tuesday. The children will perform to the school at Christmas and have already performed to their parents and carers.




Mrs Wenham, a TA in Rabbit Class, plays the ukulele and the whole school sing along to the ukulele in every assembly. Mrs Wenham also encourages Reception children to sing along to the ukulele as part of the outdoor learning experience in EYFS

Our Composers of the week 


Hans Zimmer


Joby Talbot


Stevie Wonder 


Nino Rota




John Williams




Frederic Chopin


James Horner


Ennio Morricone 


George Frederic Handel


Judith Weir


We listen to the music in assembly and in class, identify the instruments, talk about the mood of the music and learn a little about the composer. 

Staff professional development


Most teachers received training from Krista Ribbons, Area Manager for Norfolk Music Service, in September 2023. This supported teachers with their subject knowledge and we also learnt rhythm and notation games. 


Mrs Wenham, TA in Reception, received additional training from Krista, in how to support the Music Lead and be a champion for music across the school. 


Most staff watched a Singing Playgrounds session and will be trialling this throughout the term. 


Mrs Westall and Mrs Wenham have attended a Norfolk Music Hub Conference. They were inspired by the Body Percussion workshop and the children will experience a workshop from ' The Beat Goes on,' at some point this academic year.


