Welcome to Ghost Hill Infant and Nursery School , an inclusive, outstanding school in Taverham.
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Ghost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Welcome toGhost Hill Infant & Nursery School

Personal Development Calendar


Personal Development Calendar 2023-24


Special days, events, occasions, national and school level – supporting Personal Development and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development ( SMSC )

Much of our enrichment is funded by Friends of School, with money our families and staff raise throughout the year.

These activities encourage child to:

  • Take part in community events
  • Be respectful  and kind to others
  • Have empathy for others; particularly those less fortunate
  • Try hard and do their best
  • Understand collaboration and benefits of working with others
  • Have awareness of royalty and national celebration and mourning.
  • Perform with confidence
  • Represent the school as good role models to others.
  • Have awareness of next steps in their education ( working with older children )
  • Understand the importance of keeping fit and healthy.



Science Horizons ( space ) visit to Year 1


Beat Manager visit in assembly – Be Safe


Jeans for Genes Charity day


School Sports Partnership ( SSP ) Active kids Yr2


School council democratically elected in.


Year 2  all given leadership roles for this halfterm





Harvest  - collecting food for local food banks


SSP Football Festival – yr1/2

SSP Rugby Festival – yr1/2

SSP Speed stacking – yr2


Working with the church - Shoebox Appeal -  Blythswood


Start working with Friend in Deed charity – intergenerational working with local care home Badgers Wood




Friendship Day  - SSP


Black History Month



School Council visit local care home



Children in Need – fundraising


SSP Cross country competition yr1/2


Anti Bullying Week


Beat Manager visit in assembly – Anti Bullying




Year 2  all given new leadership roles for this halfterm




School Council visit local care home



Christmas performances


Santa Dash


SSP Gymnastics festival yr1/2

Christingle Service


Christmas jumper day




Working with the church  - Christmas at Church – visit to the local Church


Working with the church - Christingle making and worship


Sugar collection for the homeless.


School Council visit local care home




Pantomime by visiting theatre company


SSP PE festival – Yr1/2



New school council democratically elected in.



Year 2  all given new leadership roles for this halfterm



School Council visit local care home





Safer Internet Day


Year 2 – Edith Cavell experience.


School Council visit local care home



Year 2  all given leadership roles for this halfterm




World Book Day – The Book Hive workhops.


Fab Science visit  – National Stem Week


The Problem Solving Company workshops.


Stem Week Exhibition to parents.


SSP Cricket festival -Yr1/2

SSP Dance show -All year groups


Mothers Day shop


Intergenerational Sports event with Friend in Deed


Comic Relief  - fundraising


Epilepsy Awareness Day


Beat Goes On  - Music workshops


Year 2  - Deaf Awareness workshops – British Sign Language


School Council visit local care home





New school council democratically elected in


Year 2  all given leadership roles for this halfterm






Walk to School week


Reception School Trip to Amazona Zoo


SSP Tri-golf festival yr2


School Council visit local care home


Year 2 – WW2 experience workshops




SSP Athletics festival


Year 2  all given leadership roles for this halfterm



Marvellous Men Gift Shop


Sports Days


Intergenerational Sports Event at Norwich School – Y2 Sports leaders.


Year 1 and 2 Art Workshops.


School Council visit local care home




School Trip Year  1 – How Hill


School Trip Year 2  - BugsUK


SSP EYFS multi-skills


Whole school transition


Year 2 Transition events.


Year 2 Leavers Show


Summer Reading Challenge Assembly – visit from the librarian


Summer Fayre


School Council visit local care home







