Personal Development Calendar 2024-25
Special days, events, occasions, national and school level – supporting Personal Development and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development ( SMSC )
Much of our enrichment is funded by Friends of School, with money our families and staff raise throughout the year.
These activities encourage child to:
September |
Science Horizons ( space ) visit to Year 1
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Jeans for Genes Charity day
School Sports Partnership ( SSP ) Active kids Yr2
School council democratically elected in.
Friend in Deed Fundraising Day
Intergenerational Sports event held at Ghosthill – with Friend in Deed.
Year 2 all given leadership roles for this halfterm
October |
Harvest - collecting food for local food banks
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Martial Arts taster day
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
Year 1 and 2 Cross Country Competition ( SSP
Working with the church - Shoebox Appeal - Blythswood
Start working with Friend in Deed charity – intergenerational working with local care home Badgers Wood
Friendship Day - SSP
Black History Month
November | Children in Need – fundraising
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
PE Festival Year 1 and 2 ( SSP )
Anti Bullying Week
Year 2 all given new leadership roles for this halfterm
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
December | Christmas performances
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
St Andrews Day
Christmas around the World
Christingle making in school
Working with the church - Christmas at Church – visit to the local Church
Sugar collection for the homeless.
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
January | Pantomime by visiting theatre company
SSP PE festival – Yr1/2
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
New school council democratically elected in.
Year 2 all given new leadership roles for this halfterm
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
February | Safer Internet Day
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Year 2 – Edith Cavell experience.
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
Year 2 all given leadership roles for this halfterm
March | World Book Day
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Fab Science visit – National Stem Week
The Problem Solving Company workshops.
Stem Week Exhibition to parents.
SSP – Day of Calm
SSP Dance show -All year groups
Mothers Day shop
Comic Relief - fundraising
Epilepsy Awareness Day
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
April | New school council democratically elected in
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Year 2 all given leadership roles for this halfterm
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
May |
Walk to School week
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Reception School Trip to Amazona Zoo
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
Year 2 – WW2 experience workshops
June |
SSP Yoga day
SSP Healthy Me workshops.
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Year 2 all given leadership roles for this halfterm
Marvellous Men Gift Shop
Sports Days
Year 1 and 2 Art Workshops.
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed
July |
Reverend Gill - Assembly ( Christianity )
Whole school transition
Year 2 Transition events.
Year 2 Leavers Show
Summer Reading Challenge Assembly – visit from the librarian
Summer Fayre
School Council visit local care home/Friend In Deed