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Maths - Becoming Mathematicians

Maths Calculation Policy September 2023

Mathematics (Maths) - Becoming Mathematicians 



“Mathematics is about the journey, not just the destination.”  
- Unknown

Mathematics is essential in everything we construct and everything we calculate. This is reflected through the whole school, where the use of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding is integrated into practical activities, meaningful problems, our topics and discussions about our learning. Children develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics as they progress through the school. Resources are available to children to help them learn, develop, and apply their understanding of the subject using the school’s CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach to maths.



At Ghost Hill we aim for every child to have a love for maths that they carry with them throughout their school journey and into the wider world as part of their everyday lives. We support children in their mathematical journey using the mastery approach.

Following the Mastery Approach, we offer our children opportunities to deepen their mathematical understanding by ensuring we: -

- Involve all children in whole class participation

- Encourage good reasoning

 - Empower children by giving them confidence with a positive mindset ‘ I can……’

- Make children aware that mistakes make us better learners

- Give children the skills to make connections in their learning and decide on the best method of working

- Give children the vocabulary to articulate their understanding with the correct vocabulary.


Through following the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial Abstract) approach children are given the chance to explore new mathematical concepts with concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations, and abstract workings.  In Maths Mastery this is not a linear progression, rather they are intertwined with all three methods used to support children’s understanding and reasoning.  This approach helps our children develop a deep understanding, where they can demonstrate that they have fully embedded an idea before moving onto future concepts and ideas.



