Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development.
At Ghost Hill we very much promote our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. As well as preparing them for future life. This ensures we focus on developing and nurturing the ‘ whole child.’ During their time at Ghost Hill, we want all children to have a willingness and ability to contribute fully to a supportive and highly cohesive and inclusive school community.
We achieve these aims of SMSC development through:
- discrete teaching of RE, RSHE and PSHE
- assemblies
- visiting speakers
- teaching a broad and balanced curriculum
- an effective behaviour policy
- an effective safeguarding policy
- effective pupil voice activities
- an effective SEND policy
- having clear values which are well known by all members of the school community
- having a clear culture and ethos of the school
- teaching about British Values and protected characteristics
- providing learning experiences outside of the classroom
- a varied programme of offsite trips and visits
- a rich programme of extra-curricular activity
- daily collective worship either in classes, year groups or as a whole school.
Spiritual Development
At Ghost Hill, we define spiritual development as the capacity of an individual to develop an appreciation of themselves and their place in the world/universe. A core element of this is reflection. We aim for pupils to develop their spirituality by:
- Exploring values and beliefs, which include religious beliefs, and the way in which they affect their own and other people’s lives. ( RE and PSHE curriculum )
- Encouraging pupils to explore what animates themselves and others. ( This is achieved through the whole curriculum. )
- Giving pupils the opportunity to understand human feelings and emotions, the way the effect people and how an understanding of them can be helpful ( Restorative approach to behaviour management )
- Developing a climate or ethos in which all pupils can grow and flourish respect others and be respected ( linked to our 3 values, one of them is ‘ Respect.’)
- Accommodating difference and respecting the integrity of individuals ( PSHE, assemblies. )
- Promoting teaching styles which promotes pupils’ questions and curiosity and gives them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns ( across the whole curriculum )
- Enable pupils to make connections between aspects of their learning ( progression maps )
- Encouraging pupils to relate their learning to a wider frame of reference eg asking why, how and where as well as what ( progression maps )
- Encouraging pupils to reflect and learn from reflection
- Monitoring in simple pragmatic ways, the success of what is provided.
Moral development
At Ghost Hill, we define moral development as pupils building a framework of moral values which regulates their personal behaviour. It is also about pupils understanding of society’s shared and agreed values. It is about understanding that there are issues where there is disagreement and it is also about understanding that society’s values can change. Moral development is about gaining an understanding of the range of views and the reasons for the range. It is also about developing an opinion about the different views. In supporting pupils in their moral development, we aim for pupils to have:
- An ability to distinguish right from wrong, based on a knowledge of the moral codes of their own and other cultures.
- A confidence to act consistently in accordance with their own principles
- An ability to think through the consequences of their own and others’ actions
- A willingness to express their views on ethical and personal values
- A commitment to personal values in areas which are considered to be right by some and wrong by others
- Consideration for other people and the needs of other people
- A respect for others’ needs, interests and feeling as well as their own.
- A desire to explore their own and others’ views
- An understanding of the need to review and reassess their values, codes and principles in the light of experience.
Social Development
Ghost Hill defines social development as the capacity of children to work effectively with each other and participate successfully in the community as a whole. It is about the development of skills and personal qualities necessary for living and working together. It is about functioning effectively in multi-racial, multi-cultural society.
It involves:
- growth in knowledge and understanding of society in all its aspects.
- It also involves the development of the interpersonal skills necessary for successful relationships.
In supporting pupils in their social development we aim for pupils to:
- Adjust to a range of social contexts by appropriate and sensitive behaviour
- Relate well to other people’s social skills and personal qualities
- Work successfully as a member of a group or team
- Challenge, when necessary and in appropriate ways, the values of a group or wider community
- Share views and opinions with others and work towards consensus
- Show respect for people, living things, property and the environment
- Exercise responsibility
- Participate in activities relevant to the community
Cultural Development
Ghost Hill defines cultural development as being an understanding of a pupil’s own and other cultures both locally, nationally and internationally. It is about understanding and feeling comfortable with a variety of cultures and being able to operate in the increasingly global culture promoted by television, the internet and travel.
It is about:
- understanding that cultures are always changing and coping with change.
- prevention of discrimination, racism and extremism.
In supporting pupils in their cultural development we aim for pupils to have:
- An ability to recognise and understand their own cultural assumptions and values
- An understanding of the influences that have shaped their own cultural heritage
- An ability to appreciate cultural diversity and accord dignity and respect to other people’s values and beliefs therefore challenging racism and valuing race equality
- A regard for the heights of human achievement in all cultures and societies. an appreciation of the diversity and interdependence of cultures